I started running out of room to store my jewelry, which sent me on a problem-solving quest and led me to write about it.

This is my jewelry cabinet. The wings on the side open up to allow me to hang my necklaces, but there are only 8 hooks total which required me to hang multiple necklaces on each hook, which in turn resulted in monstrous tangles. I don't know about you, but when I'm getting ready in the morning, I'm always running out the door at the last minute and I don't have time to untangle necklaces! So I told my husband to take to The Container Store so I could find something that best suited my needs.

I ended up going with a basic tie rack which he installed on the back of my closet door. I was able to hang 25 necklaces on it without having to double, triple and quadruple stack them. What a relief! I think this is going to work out quite nicely! I decided to use the tie rack to hang my large costume jewelry so I can still use my jewelry cabinet for my more dainty necklaces.

I keep my earrings on a shelf in these divided trays. One tray is for silver, the other for gold. It just helps keep things moving quickly in the morning. I also keep my scarves folded on a shelf in my jewelry cabinet. They are just large fabric necklaces after all!
Everything looks perfect!