As far as day to day notes, I have a tiny little moleskin notebook my cousin bought me at Barnes and Noble. This notebook is so small, thin and light that it is perfect to carry around in your purse. Some of the things I jot down in it are songs I hear on the radio that I want to download onto my IPOD. If I find a pair of pants in a store but they don't have my size, I will write down all the info off the tag and go to another store to try to find it. I also write down books I would like to read and other random things. It comes in handy when you need to write down someone's address or phone number. You know, you always need a piece of paper for something. Target sells similar little notebooks in a 3 pack for $1.99. You can get them with lined notepaper or graph paper.

My desk calendar shows one week per page. I write my activities down on each day of the week so I know where I'm supposed to be and at what time. It's just nice to have a visual of what's going on, not only today, but the rest of the week. It keeps me from forgetting occasions or double-booking myself. And at the beginning of each year, I transfer over all my family and friends' birthdays so I don't miss them. For my personal use, my husband buys me a Mary Engelbreit calendar every Christmas. I just love her artwork. It is so cheerful and sweet.
At work, my two obsessions are my calendar and my post-it notes. How in the world did we ever live without post-its? I love the mini post-its. They are great to flag pages in books or magazines, and I've been known to use them as book markers when I'm in a pinch.

This is my favorite post to date! I heart a Moleskine notebook!